Wednesday, November 23, 2016

قُلْ يَا عِبَادِيَ الَّذِينَ أَسْرَفُوا عَلَى أَنفُسِهِمْ لَا تَقْنَطُوا مِن رَّحْمَةِ اللَّهِ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يَغْفِرُ الذُّنُوبَ جَمِيعًا إِنَّهُ هُوَ الْغَفُورُ الرَّحِيمُ

عبرة يونس

عندما ذهب يونس مغاضبا و ترك مائة الف او يزيدون في الضلال التقمه الحوت
و استغفر ،فغفر له 

"لا اله الا انت سبحانك، اني (كنت) من الظالمين"
اعتراف ؟ نعم
توبة و ندم ...نعم
لكن الاهم ،يونس اعلن انه لم يعد من الظالمين
غفر لنفسه اولا الذنب ، اخرج نفسه من فئة الظالمين ،قبل ان يغفر الله له
صدق اولا تصدق ،كل ذنب قابل للغفران
و الغفران يبدأ منك
اغفر لنفسك اولا ، تنل مغفرة الخالق تاليا


Self-forgiveness is the prerequisite for any other kind of forgiveness! They tell us to forgive others to purify the heart and live in a state of peace. But how can we grant forgiveness to others when we can not grant it to ourselves? We simply can not give what we do not have. We need to extinguish the guilt within us first and drop those heavy weights to be able to soar up high

Sunday, November 13, 2016

What are we all sooo afraid of?

"Ohh, we are all afraid of our shadows. We are afraid of the darkness inside of us. 
So, we project it outside of us, and we have to go fight these monsters that we have projected outside. And again, part of the mystical journey is to face that darkness. You need the sword of your own aspiration to go into the darkness of yourself and to face that darkness. Then you discover that it not that dark after all. Then you begin to discover the light that is hidden in the darkness. 
This one of the great alchemical secrets. This is one of the secrets of human transformation, that you go into the darkness and it is terrifying at first, and then you discover the light of your own divine nature that is hidden in the darkness.
It is called the pearl of great prize that is at the bottom of the ocean. In the depths of darkness there is something so beautiful, but most people are afraid of it because there is a price to pay. You have to confront your own fears, your own anxieties, and to go deep within yourself. It is much easier to project it and to have enemies outside. But for the mystic there is only himself"
Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Real Knowing

                           When you know pure love...
                                                                                                                            you know God!


floating in a cloud of adoration

a love stemming from the deepest depths it seems

from a place that is very calm

a place where no rivers of emotion flow

nor any tingling sensations arise

It's a place of nothingness 

this adoration is not directed towards anything in specific

and it feels drunk to be submerged in its mist 

it's like a subtle sense of harmony

a sweet state of being 

that dilutes any other feeling 

a state of adoration of the formless

or is the adoration itself formless

I really do not know

Marrakesh Night Market - Loreena McKinnett

They're gathered in circles
the lamps light their faces
the crescent moon rocks in the sky
The poets of drumming
keep heartbeats suspended
The smoke swirls up and then it dies
Would you like my mask?
would you like my mirror?
cries the man in the shadowing hood
You can look at yourself
you can look at each other
or you can look at the face of your god
The stories are woven
and fortunes are told
The truth is measured by the weight of your gold
The magic lies scattered
on rugs on the ground
Faith is conjured in the night market's sound
Would you like my mask?
would you like my mirror?
cries the man in the shadowing hood
You can look at yourself
you can look at each other
or you can look at the face of your god
The lessons are written
on parchments of paper
They're carried by horse from the river Nile
says the shadowy voice
In the firelight, the cobra
is casting the flame a winsome smile
Would you like my mask?
would you like my mirror?
cries the man in the shadowing hood
You cna look at yourself
you can look at each other
or you can look at the face of your god

Tuesday, November 1, 2016


When you have souls as bright as stars orbiting your center

weaving a web of silk that centers your being even more with their gentleness

you can only implode with eternal gratitude and humility